There was a great writeup on WebProNews about a blogging service (Blogetery) housing 70,000 blogs was shut down today by an unnamed government agency. Apparently it was due to some user generated content on Blogetery's servers.
Seriously — if your blog is at the center of your business, don't trust it to a free (or ultra-cheap) hosting service… Get some decent hosting and use self-hosted WordPress — it will give you more control and peace of mind.
Dell says
All my sites are on self-hosted. Use the freebie sites to bring traffic to your money sites. says
Yup, though making blogs from free hostings are useful, bloghosting sites have control over them and these blogs could be removed at any time with or without consent. A reason why self-hosted blogs has an advantage over them. You wouldn’t want all of your hard work to vanish just because these blog hosts decide to.
Ed Hodgson says
Anyone can quickly learn how to host their own WP blog – highly recommended you do this. You have complete control over your content and its great for SEO.